Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cupcake Love

I read 99 facts about guys, and the 68th states that
" Guys love girls who can cook or bake ".

As I'm pretty quite good in baking cupcakes, I always made it for him and his family. What I really glad to hear that when he said " It tasted very nice and I love it ". Yesterday was epic ! Going out with family and and and and it was very very damnnn


A piece of advice,
Girls, please learn to cook or bake. It feels like AWW I'M SO IN HEAVEN BABYY when he likes it. Don't you like the feeling ? I'm sure you do.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Congratulations !

It had been a month I did not post anything on my blog, the main reason always be the same - BUSY. Today , I'll post something special for my brother, Zaim Zaimi.


It's Graduation Day at UPM Serdang. Each family members carve a BIG BIG SMILE for their homies :)
I hope I will wear those gown one day ^ ^